Popular holiday rental amenities in Southport
Choose a filter above to find an offer matching your needs among all of the properties in Southport. In Southport, 5,993 properties offer Kitchen. Consequently, if you need internet access during your holidays, use the Kitchen filter to compare this type of accommodation. It is also possible to search for a rental if you enjoy soaking in the hot tub , as 2,325 of the listed rentals there include Jacuzzi.
Price and Availability Index in Southport
Click on any bar to see price and availability information
Holiday Rental Price Information in Southport
We analysed price data and rendered them in this graph, which shows holiday letting prices for the next twelve months in Southport. The most expensive prices are in September (13/09 – 20/09). Prices reach an average of $1,236 per night. On the other hand, in May you will find the cheapest prices (17/05 – 24/05). Prices this week are on average $332 a night.
Rental availability information in Southport
Find out the percentage of available rentals & cottages in Southport with the graph above. The week with the highest booking rate in the next 6 months is in September (13/09 – 20/09), where 97% of the holiday lettings are booked. On the other hand, the week with the most available offers is in February (22/02 – 01/03).
Frequently Asked Questions
How much should I expect to pay for a holiday letting in Southport?
When visiting Southport, you can find holiday rentals from as little as $55 per night.
How many holiday accommodation offers will I find in Southport?
Visit Southport in February for the greatest choice of accommodation. This is the month during which the largest amount of Apartment rental and House rental are available.
What holiday rental amenities do people typically look for when visiting Southport?
The most popular holiday letting amenity in Southport is Kitchen, followed by Pets allowed in second place and Pool in third.
How many accommodation offers are there in Southport?
There are 7,650 holiday rental offers in Southport, with plenty of Apartment rental and House rental available.
Are pets permitted in holiday accommodation in Southport?
Want to go on holiday with your dog? You'll find 263 pet-friendly holiday lettings in Southport.