A visit to Peru will certainly be a holiday that you will never forget. Peru has some of the most fascinating archeological remains in the world and is a natural paradise with a lot of diversity in its landscapes and biodiversity. In terms of archeological sites, you really should see Trujillo and Chavín de Huántar which are both listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. But an absolute must in terms of archeological sites is Machu Picchu, which is also listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site and is considered one of the most spectacular archeological sites in the world. You may also like to visit Huascarán National Park where you can see parts of the Andes Mountain range and experience the rich and unique biodiversity in Peru. This park is particularly popular for mountain climbing however it is still possible for those will no mountaineering experience to walk along mountains of over 6000m height. Needless to say, the views are spectacular from atop the mountains so make sure you pack your camera! If you are wanting to soak up some sun on the beach, you might like to head to the beautiful Máncora, where there is stunning beaches and vibrant nightlife. There are many activities here including surfing, kite boarding, and if you are lucky, you can sometimes even see dolphins and humpback whales from the shore! In Peru, There is something to suit those who are seeking action and adventure whilst also catering for those who just want to relax in the sun. However you decide to spend your holiday, you can be guaranteed a unique experience full of natural wonders.
Find apartments and vacation rentals in Peru!
Need some help finding apartments and vacation rentals in Peru? We at HomeToGo can help you by giving you access to the best accommodation options. They are all conveniently located on the HomeToGo website and we are confident we have apartments and vocational rentals that are perfect for you. Whether you are on a budget or seeking something more luxurious, there are many options to suit any price range.