Kakadu is a UNESCO World Heritage Site with plenty of spectacular attractions. Spend a few days exploring, whether on your own, with rangers, or on guided tours. Take the circular 1.5km walk through the Indigneous Australian shelters at Nourlangie to view some of the best examples of rock art in Australia. Go on a boat cruise along the Yellow Water Billabong to see over 250 bird species, crocodiles, wild horses, wallabies, and buffalo along the shoreline.
During the wet season, take a helicopter flight over Jim Jim Falls to see this spectacular waterfall from the air, and the river it creates. In the dry months, you can drive the challenging 4x4 course that takes you to the top of the falls for a view out over the surrounding countryside. In the southern end of the park, you'll find the Maguk rock pools. There is a 4x4 drive to the pools through a section of rainforest. You can swim in the crystal-clear water of the pools, which are also a popular place to go rock jumping.