Located in South Asia, India is one of the largest countries in the world and the second-most populous. It is an incredible country to visit, with a dramatic variety of landscapes ranging from the majestic Himalayas to bustling mega-cities and beautiful coastlines. Take as much time as you can to explore different parts of India - there's so much to see.
Recommended holiday rentals in India
Rent a holiday home, apartment or cottage in India from just $27 per night!
Vacation homes and cottages with a garden
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Best holiday rental deals in India
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Find a holiday home that fits your criteria among the 447,957 unique holiday lettings from different partner websites in India. With HomeToGo you can easily compare the offers of each rental from various providers to find the best price and save up to 71%.
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Popular holiday rental amenities in India
Our search page's filters will help you find your dream holiday letting in India. In India, 77,077 lettings offer Pool. Consequently, if you want a rental with a pool, select the Pool filter to see this type of accommodation. You could even compare and find offers if you're not interested in handwashing the dishes (5,396 rentals include Dishwasher in India) or you love sweating the stress away in saunas (12,880 rentals with Sauna).
Price and Availability Index in India
Holiday Rental Price Information in India
The graph shows the average letting prices for the next twelve months in India. The most expensive prices are in January (18/01 – 25/01). Prices reach an average of $68 per night. However, in October (25/10 – 01/11), prices decrease to an average of $44 per night.
Rental availability information in India
The availability graph shows the percentage of available rentals in India. The busiest time to book a holiday letting in India so far is in September (20/09 – 27/09), where only 25 rentals are available. Conversely, 56% of the lettings are still available during a week in January (18/01 – 25/01).
See India’s magnificent palaces, forts and temples
To delve into India’s history and explore its architecture visitors have a unique variety of monuments to visit that feature rich artworks and insights. While the Taj Mahal is probably the best known of India’s palatial monuments, there are many more such as those in the Pink City of India, Jaipur.
Situated at the top of the hill in the UNESCO heritage site of Jaipur, the Amer Fort is one of several monuments in the city and for a truly unique experience travel to the site by elephant with local guides. For the more adventurous, a trek in the Indian Himalayas will take you to one of several temples such as the Kedarnath Temple or the Badrinarayan Temple. If you are more suited to life on a lower altitude then visit the colourful Meenakshi Temple or Tirupati temples in southern India.
Unique ways of travelling through India
While holidaymakers may be tempted to simply jet across India with a cheap flight, you might not forgive yourself for missing out some of the unique ways of discovering the country.
Explore the lush surroundings and enchanting backwaters of Kerala, known as God’s Own Country, with a river cruise, or enjoy life on the water in style in one if its many houseboats.
If you are heading from Mumbai to see the Taj Mahal near New Delhi, do it in style and reminisce about India’s colonial past on one of several routes offered by the Maharaja Express, a historic train line. For a more budget friendly option, simply opt to travel using the regular trains. It is often said that there is no better way to get to know India than to travel the way the locals do.
Information about holiday rentals in India
🏡 Holiday rentals available | 445,187 rentals |
💳 Discounts available | up to 31% |
🌙 Nightly prices from | $27 |
⭐ Popular amenities | Pool, Pets allowed and Internet |
🐾 Pet friendly lettings | 63,784 properties |
🏊 Holiday rentals with pools | 77,076 properties |
Frequently Asked Questions
How much should I expect to pay for a holiday letting in India?
Prices for House rental and Private room for holidays in India start at $27 per night.
How many holiday accommodation offers will I find in India?
Visit India in January for the greatest choice of accommodation. This is the month during which the largest amount of House rental and Private room are available.
What holiday rental amenities do people typically look for when visiting India?
The most popular holiday letting amenity in India is Pool, followed by Pets allowed in second place and Internet in third.
How many accommodation offers are there in India?
You can browse 445,187 holiday lettings in India, and find great deals from $27 per night.
Are pets permitted in holiday accommodation in India?
Want to go on holiday with your dog? You'll find 63,784 pet-friendly holiday lettings in India.
We list offers from thousands of providers, including
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